Development of sustainable management practices for leafhoppers on grapes

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Dr. Tom Lowery
Initiation date

Objectives: a) determine the Anagrus species parasitizing leafhopper eggs in BC and ON and search for their winter plant hosts; b) evaluate if provision of alternate winter hosts of A. erythroneurae can enhance parasitism of WGL in commercial vineyards; c) evaluate in the laboratory the deterrency of new plant-based materials to VCL and conduct field spray trials with these and with deterrent essential oils identified previously; d) assess the efficacy of new ‘softer’ insecticides under field conditions; e) improve accuracy of damage thresholds in relation to water stress and determine the effect of timed, short term deficit irrigation on leafhopper populations.

UPDATE: February 2024 - Final Project Summary file added in the links below and on the CGCN website:

Project Update Added Below for January 2021

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