WANTED: Crown gall tumors in the Okanagan for collection (UBCO study)

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Contact name
Portiaa McGonigal
Gall/tumor growing off young vine

Attention to Okanagan grape growers, vineyard managers, etc.:

I am a PhD student at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus in Kelowna. My work involves studying the grapevine disease crown gall. I am looking to collect crown gall tumors from across the Okanagan Valley. If you see signs of crown gall in your vineyard, specifically tumor growth on grapevine trunks (commonly found around the graft union site) please feel free to contact me. Your vineyard site and identity will be kept confidential. 

Thank you

Email: portiaa.mcgonigal@ubc.ca 

Phone: 778-220-7305

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